You spot a friend across the sanctuary and give a little wave. Turning, you notice a newcomer step hesitantly forward to find a seat for the service. Ideally, you would like to have a chat with either person but now is not the time. However, after the service, a perfect opportunity to do both arises.  In the fellowship hall, coffee and a variety of beverages are waiting for you and others to enjoy while you meet and greet friends and strangers alike. And this can only happen because fellow congregants have agreed to prepare these beverages. 

A big thank you is sent out to all who have agreed to make this time happen, as well as to those who take the time to help others with the “new-fangled” equipment. If you would like to contribute to this small but vital ministry, you are welcomed to contact us.

So next time you think you should talk to someone at church, remember that thanks to your fellow members, the opportunity is available.  Would you like to join us for a cup of coffee or tea?

Please find the Refreshment Schedule on the Bridge App or SignUp Genius.