“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Nelson Ave Church Family,
Last March I could never have imagined I would be writing thoughts to mark the one-year “anniversary” (is there a better word to use???) of this Covid-19 pandemic. What a year it has been!
I wanted to share some thoughts as a way to acknowledge this most unusual year for us.
Lament is part of what I feel as I look back on this year of pandemic. The school year, graduations, weddings and so many other plans were disrupted. People have suffered this past year. Some people we have not seen for a long time. The world has changed and there is much loss to grieve.
Very long. Looking back, I am now surprised how quickly this year has gone. And, at the same time, in the various moments, this past year has felt very, very long. There have been moments when there seemed to be no end in sight, no light at the end of the dark tunnel.
Hard and difficult. I recognize that so much of this past year has been very difficult—isolation, loneliness, uncertain about the future, too much Zooming, fighting with technology, feeling cooped up in our homes, etc. etc. This has been true especially I think for Seniors and youth / children.
Difficult things became more difficult. I think about those, including those at Nelson Ave, who have gone through loss or who have been in hospital this past year. The “normal” ways of supporting each other (visits, hugs, holding someone’s hand, sitting with the grieving and hurting, etc.) have not been available to us. This has been difficult on individuals, friends, families and our church family.
Zoom is not for everyone. I recognize that, for various reasons, some members of our church family have not connected with our Zoom services. I also recognize how difficult it is for children and youth (and adults too!) to stay focused and attentive for an hour (or more!) Zoom service.
Singing with the church family…oh, how I miss it!
“Covid Malaise.” This is the phrase I now use to name the experience happening in my body, mind and heart. I feel tired, apathetic and often feel like just “vegging out.” It takes more energy to get going in the morning and to stay attentive during the daytime.
And maybe I could go on and one with reflections on the past year.
And yet…and yet…in the midst of this challenging year, along with the lament I also feel a wellspring of thanks rising in my heart—thank to God and thanks to you for so much good that has happened this past year:
People reaching out to each other in increased ways. I suspect there were more phone calls, emails, Whats App messages, etc. among us as over the past year we have sought to connect, support and encourage each other.
Ministries have continued and some are even flourishing during this time. Amazing.
The 2020 giving trend and budget surplus was incredible me to witness. Thank you for being a generous community!
Our Zoom services team has overflowed with people willing to serve Sunday after Sunday.
Encouragement and support from so many of you has been an incredible blessing in this past year. Our family has faced different challenges this past year, in addition to the challenge of Covid. For each one of our challenges our church family has stood with us and beside us. Thank you so much!
Finally, the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ has not stopped during this time. Whether in a pandemic or not, our calling from Christ remains the same and we have seen evidence of that in the past year. I have seen this especially through the efforts to love each other during this time as well as love our communities (i.e. Coldest Night of the Year event).
And maybe the experience of this year highlights what is true of all of life—God’s continual and constant grace, mercy and faithfulness in the midst of the struggles and challenges of our lives.
And, with and by God’s grace, into whatever the future holds for us:
May Christ go before us to lead us,
May Christ go behind you to protect us,
May Christ go beneath us to support us,
May Christ go beside us to befriend us.
Do not be afraid.
May the blessing of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be upon us.
Do not be afraid.
May we go in peace of Christ to love and serve the world. Amen!