Youth Doing Justice
The 4th and last focus I'm considering is our youth doing justice. I think of doing justice being under the umbrella of God's mission. God is on mission of restoring all creation into shalom, a Hebrew word that means completeness and wholeness in all areas of our lives-reconciliation and peace with God and with others, justice, flourishing, care, and love. As renewed people of God, we are to join Him in his mission with our vocation restored as God originally intended, sharing with God as his coworkers his wise and beneficial rule of the world.
And we need to encourage our youths to join God in his mission where they are at in their lives; in their own contexts of family, school, neighborhood, city, society, and the world, according to the unique gifts, personalities, wirings, passions, dreams, and interests God has given them.
I want to share this TED-talk video (most-viewed out of all TED-talk videos) about education and creativity by Sir Ken Robinson):