This material is intended for either personal or group discussion. Please use the material as best suits your situation.
· Welcome
· Check in—how is everyone doing?
· Opening Prayer
Read: Luke 20 45-21:4 [February 23, 2022, Nelson Ave morning message based on this passage]
Could the widows in this passage stand for other disadvantaged people in our community today?
- Who might those people be?
- Who might we call rich today? What criteria might we use to determine whether someone is rich or not?
- Choosing an example from today of a disadvantaged person and a rich person, slowly read Luke 20:47 – 21:4 substituting today’s example for the widow and the rich man.
- What happens for you when you substitute contemporary examples? What might God be saying to you? Try some other examples if you have time.
- Chelsey Harmon in her commentary on the same story found in Mark 12:38-44 asks this question: “What would it look like if we changed our expectations from everyone must contribute to everyone can contribute to the well-being of the whole remembering that there are different ways to give? How do you think it might change things for our community if this were to happen? (Centre for Excellence In Preaching, Mark 12:38-44 Commentary, Chelsey Harmon, November 7, 2021)
- Let’s think about money. In what ways might you be using money to draw attention to yourself?
- What does your use of money tell you about your priorities? What would need to change to make God your top priority not just in giving but in every part of your life?
- What questions do you have about these verses?
- Any other comments on these verses?
Watch this Bible Project video about Generosity.
- What do you agree with? Disagree with?
- What is something new you learned?
- What surprised you the most?
- What questions do you have?
- Any final comments about above Bible passage, the videos, the questions, or the topic of money?
- As you have studied and reflected on this passage, what might you feel the Jesus convicting you to give back to him? It could be anything in your life
- Next Sunday (Feb 27) we will be looking at the following passage: Luke 19:1-10. We will also be celebrating Communion.
- Concluding prayer
- Dismissal
Additional Verses for Study
The following verses lead you deeper into the topics of the sermon.
- Luke 6:45 Luke 4:18
- 2 Corinthians 8:12
- Hosea 6:6
- 2 Corinthians 8:9
- 1 Timothy 5:5
- James 1:27
- Deuteronomy 24:17
- Isaiah 1:17
- Matthew 6: 2 – 4
- Matthew 6: 16 - 18