Engaging The Word Study Guide
April 24, 2022
Galatians 4:1-11
“No Longer Slaves”
This material is intended for either personal or group discussion. Please use the material as best suits your needs, usage and learning situation.
· Welcome
· Check in—updates, prayer requests, sharing
· Opening Prayer(s)
· Opening songs (with or without instruments)
Passage: Galatians 4:1-11 [April 24, 2022 Nelson Ave Morning Message]
· Before you read ask each person to (1) close their eyes for the reading and (2) listen for the word or phrase in the reading that they connect with the most.
· Read Galatians 4:1-11. Sit in silence
· Read the passage a 2nd time. Ask each person to share the word of phrase that connected with them.
· Read the passage a 3rd time. Any other words or phrases connecting with the listeners?
After the 3rd reading and sharing:
· What do you notice about these verses?
· What questions do you have about these verses?
· What do you sense is the tone of this passage?
Video: Watch: “Galatians” (Bible Project) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmx4UjRFp0M
· What comments do you have about this video?
· What is your understanding of the letter to the Galatians? What are some of the passages / verses you know from this book? What is this book mostly about?
· Does this video help put Galatians 4:1-11 into context? If so, how?
Questions [Galatians 4:1-11]
· Go through the passage verse by verse
o Read each verse out loud
o What does this verse mean?
o What questions, comments do you have about each verse?
· Read the whole passage one more time
o What is the overall message of this passage?
Concluding prayers…for each other, for our church family, for the world
Final words of blessing / song